FOOD IS FUEL: the Unexpected Key to Your Success!

FOOD IS FUEL: the Unexpected Key to Your Success!

If you’re going to get serious about this business of body transformation you are going to be confronted with the presence of food and the role that it plays in your life. The dreaded word “DIET” that has such negative connotations. ?If you are...
The Importance of Support from Like-Minded People.

The Importance of Support from Like-Minded People.

Yesterday, I had the extremely powerful experience of being photographed by a significant male physique photographer for the second time doing a shoot with Steeve Leblanc (Leblaste Photography – Montreal). An even more powerful experience to see the pictures...
Set Yourself up for Success Instead of Failure.

Set Yourself up for Success Instead of Failure.

If you’re the type of guy who tends to make big plans for completely changing your body through radical work at the gym and a super amazing diet and the only thing that comes out of it is another big failure, listen up. Let’s talk about setting yourself up...