The Incredible Journey of Jeff Jenkins.

The Incredible Journey of Jeff Jenkins.

Jeff Jenkins is a success story. Already. Even though he’s not completed or anywhere near the goals he’s really set for himself or where he’s going to be. Many of you may know him from his active participation in the #LetsGetHUGE Facebook support...
Not Everybdoy is Going to Understand Your Training.

Not Everybdoy is Going to Understand Your Training.

Training and bodybuilding are like life. Not everyone is going to understand your motivation. Some people are going to think that wanting to get big is stupid. It’s also likely that at some point you’re going to be accused of having bad values because you...
How comfortable are you really with your own Body?

How comfortable are you really with your own Body?

We hear talk about how important it is to Love ourselves all the time. We hear much less talk about how important it is to actually love your body. Can you approve of it right now? Can you stop criticizing and rejecting it. And not just focus only on how it could be...