We only have a limited amount of energy. Like a battery or an account or a budget. We can only hold so much and we only have so much to expend. And once that energy is gone, it’s gone. And it’s amazing the amount of energy we can burn up hating on...
A Post brought to you by #LetsGetHUGE and MUSCLE LIFE COACH “AGE IS JUST A NUMBER OR IS IT?” A young guy approached me this week and said this to me. I cocked an eyebrow knowing that this isn’t really true and that age is a complicated issue. But it...
Many people site Napoloen Hill’s THINK AND GROW RICH as their favorite book and one of the definitive and original text’s on The Law of Attraction. Whether you want to create a Money or a fortune in business, the Relationship you want or the Muscle Body...
What we see depends mainly on what we look for. We don’t realize it be we are both the eye that’s seeing the picture and the projector that’s creating the picture at the same time. With the Power of our minds, we are creating our reality as we go....
To build a Temple you need blueprints. You need a VISION. You need to set GOALS. You need a plan of ACTION. You need support and structure. Building through THOUGHT is just as important as what we do in the the gym and the physical world. Together, with a Plan,...