If you travel for business, you know that being out of town can be challenging for your training. ?Even if you are just gone for a trip or for a holiday.
You’re away from your normal routine. Your away from your gym. Your meal plan gets disrupted because your regular food resources are not accessible.
Probably you’re even separated from your regular workout partner and the support and energy that gives you in the gym.
But it you have to find a balance.
All you can do is the best you can do ? Let it be enough
Dont let your workout go South or by the wayside just because your out of town
Just get it done.
Do everything you can do in advance to set up a gym that will work for you. ?Pack the food you can in advance ? Plan your food choices in advance, long before you walk into any restaurants you’ll have to be going to.
And know it’s not going to be perfect. ?But know you’re on a plan ?You have a Program ?you have a Mission and you’ve set your intentions and it’s going to be all right.
And if you don’t get to workout, or do your perfect workout or eat your perfect Meal Plan, it will be all right. ?Don’t crucify yourself.
It’s temporary and even if you waver, you will get back on the beam.